Should Men Be Wearing Earrings and Jewelry?

man with earring

The 21st century is seeing a resurgence in men wearing jewelry. Men with earrings, necklaces and bracelets were in vogue heavily in the 16th and 17th centuries. King Henry VIII was often painted wearing earrings, pearls and jewels. Noblemen were frequently depicted wearing jewelry draped over their bodies. We know this from the art of the Tudor period. Asian emperors were represented wearing ornate gold and jewelry designs. Today, the line between masculine and feminine has blurred as more men are seen wearing hoop earrings and jewelry around the neck, ankles and wrists.

Should men be wearing earrings and jewelry? The answer is, of course, “Yes” if that is what a man wants to do. Another question arises from this, and it’s up to the individual whether it factors into his decision to war jewelry and earrings: Is it appealing to wear?

Many men wear jewelry for themselves and not because it is attractive or accepted. Many jobs, such as the food service industry, forbids anyone from wearing jewelry at work, both male and female.

Women are the most outspoken about jewelry on men, and their opinions are as diverse as the selection of the jewelry itself.

What is the Public Opinion Regarding Men Who Wear Jewelry?

Jewelry on men often has symbolic value to them, so people tend to hold their opinions to themselves out of common courtesy. Sometimes the opinions people have of male earrings and jewelry is in a grey area where people simply don’t know what to think.

Usually the problem with men wearing jewelry and earrings is that their presentation is way overstated. Bawdy, large earrings, hoop earrings or giant gold medallions hanging around the neck running down to the navel, is considered too much. Understatement. subtlety and wearing jewelry that fits well with clothing worn is generally more acceptable, even attractive.

Then there is the “gay” issue. Many men and women still assume that when a man wears earrings, he is not heterosexual. Today, nothing could be less true. Heterosexual men embrace earrings, and enjoy the fact that it’s more acceptable to wear more accessories. Many men who are not LBGTQ wear makeup in addition to earrings and body jewelry, so assumptions are less accurate than they might have been in the early 2000s.

It was traditionally believed that a man who wears an earring on his right ear was communicating that he was gay, while an earring exclusively on the left ear indicated a heterosexual male. Nowadays, this line is blurred as straight men wear earrings on either side, or both sides.

man's watch

Some women don’t even think about it when dating or talking to a man wearing earrings or jewelry. Other women do not appreciate a man wearing anything more than his wedding ring. Some women find it sexy though they still have difficulty seeing a man with two earrings. The most important factor is how tastefully men wear jewelry.

Having good taste and being fashion-conscious is a perennial factor in society’s acceptance of jewelry and earrings.  For example, a man should avoid wearing white pants unless he wears a darker shirt with it. Nor should he wear colors that don’t go together, such as brown pants with a green shirt, or green pants with a blue shirt.

Similarly, if a man is dressed in a suit for a formal occasion, it’s the suit that should make the statement, and wearing cuff links is a must. However, adding gaudy earrings a thick gold necklace will divert the attention from the suit, cufflinks and watch he wears. As the eyes are drawn to the earrings and medallion.

On the other hand, if the arrangements are subtle, and don’t draw instant attention, the suit-wearing man can make a positive fashion statement. However, it is important that men do not put too much jewelry on at one time. Women can get away with it more easily (but barely; no one should ever wear too much jewelry), so avoid wearing an overabundance of gold, silver or diamonds.

Lots of women have reported that men’s jewelry makes the man appear confident, and earrings in particular make men seem assured of their masculinity. Still other women feel that jewelry conveys the sensitive side of a man. These are the positive aspects of wearing earrings and jewelry.

Studded earrings with a minimalist style are also considered attractive. Note that in each of these cases, the earrings were never overstated. Too much will be a distraction and will only communicate the man may be desperate rather than brave and self-confident.

However, some women object to men wearing earrings because of their religious beliefs. Almost every Bible passage about men wearing jewelry links the practice to idol worship, immorality and homosexuality. If a man likes to wear earrings and jewelry, then it may be a better choice to go with women who are open-minded and who do not base their opinions on the Bible.

Other women feel jewelry is something that should only be worn by women, so believe that men wearing earrings look effeminate. However, this response is less and less valid today because jewelry wearing by men is no longer linked to homosexuality.

Style Guide for Men Wearing Earrings and Jewelry

Do not underestimate the power of jewelry. A $35.00 Timex watch draws the same amount of attention as a $10,000.00 Rolex. The less expensive watch can make the same positive impression as the more expensive watch, even more so in some cases, if it is a good match with the rest of your wardrobe.

The Watch

Simple, understated, not a lot of dials and flashing lights, especially when worn for a formal occasion. Keep watches simple: the face includes the hands to tell time, and is elegantly designed in either silver or gold.

Rings convey powerful messages. In formal situations, a class ring, wedding ring or sports accomplishment ring can be worn as a sign of pride, and would match the color of your wardrobe so they fit in with the style, rather than loud and ostentatious.

Pay attention to the environment in which you wear your jewelry. If attending a funeral, jewelry is acceptable as long as it is subtle. Wear silver-colored earrings rather than gold or diamonds. The color, or shade should not draw everyone’s attention. Wearing understated jewelry at these occasions is a sign of respect.

Wear modest jewelry at work or at a job interview

You don’t know what the interviewer thinks about jewelry, and once you get the job, you can discuss the job’s requirements about jewelry, and not be afraid to wear what you want once you’ve gotten the clearance to wear it.

Never over-accessorize

There is a limit to the amount of jewelry you wear before you cross over the threshold to too much jewelry. The main statement men want to make is with their clothing. Jewelry is an accessory to pants and shirts, not the main statement. If wearing nice clothes for non-formal social outings, it’s okay to wear some red to draw attention to you, but it should remain less of a statement than the clothes. Jewelry is admired when it is just the right amount. Too much jewelry appears confusing and the viewer is uncertain of the message the wearer tries to convey.

man with rings

What Jewelry Colors Match Clothing Best?

Two of the most popular jewelry colors are gold and silver. Diamonds come in third, and each of these color shades go well with particular clothing colors.


Warmer tone of color, it matches well with earth tones and brown. Gold also goes great with jeans and casual wear but remember that gold comes in different shades. Make sure to try out yellower and darker gold shades with clothing before purchasing.


This metal is a neutral in color, so it goes with almost anything. Although they don’t clash with anything, they don’t draw the eye as much as gold does. However, wearing silver with either blacks or greys, pants or shirts, will give the impression of someone who is well put together and has fashion sense.

Remember that the jury is still out regarding precious metals, diamonds and leather. Society is in the middle off great social change, where leather and diamonds are considered attractive accessories while other parts don’t have this opinion.

It is your body, and the only real rule of thumb is to always add jewelry that fits the clothing you wear. You can get away with a lot if you build a good sense of fashion.


Hey! My name's Mark and I'm passionate about all things grooming, fashion, and fitness and I love sharing everything I learn about them. Expert Gentleman is the ultimate resource for learning everything about men's grooming, style and fitness.

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