Can You Shave Your Face With a Trimmer?

electric trimmer shave

There comes a time in every man’s life where he has to make the stark decision to either shave with an electric razor or a blade. The decision isn’t always easy, but there are a few reasons why someone might pick an electric razor compared to a razor blade, mostly due to their convenience.

I, for one, do not prefer to use either an electric razor or a trimmer. This is because I really love the closeness that an original razor blade can achieve.

However, sometimes neither is an option, and the only tool in your arsenal at the moment is an electric trimmer. Is this something that would be a viable option? 

So, can you shave your face with a trimmer? Electric trimmers are not designed to give a close shave to the face. If you’re looking to achieve a clean, smooth shave, an electric trimmer is not for you. If you’re looking for a quick fix until you can get your hands on a razor, it can be a resourceful option. 

But with all of the options of razors, blades, and trimmers, which option would be most suitable for your own lifestyle? There are a few options when it comes to deciding which trimmer to shave your face with when you’re in a hurry.

Which Trimmer Should I Be Using?

There are a TON of different products out on the market. Seriously. You could get lost in the abundance of choices a man has to shave his face with a trimmer. I’ve spent a lot of money on these products, too. I’ve dealt with the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I’ve experienced some pretty terrible trimmers in the past to shave, and it’s been a nightmare to deal with, in which I would have had a better experience if I just threw my money in the trash.

With all of the trimmers I’ve gone through (probably over 10) I’ve finally found one that can really achieve a super close shave, lasts forever, and is portable and reliable during travel. 

You can find that trimmer HERE. I got it off of Amazon and It has really given me some great results. The Philips Norelco has been making trimmers that you can shave with for several years now, but they just keep getting better.

So, if you’re looking for a trimmer that you can use to shave with, I’d probably go with this one.

How Close of a Shave Can I Get With a Trimmer?

Since you’ll be shaving with a trimmer, you aren’t going to get that amazing, buttery smooth shave that you’d get with a 5-blade razor. But, if you’re going with the trimming route, your shave with the Norelco that I recommended above will get your hairs to be about 0.5mm in length.

When you use a trimmer to shave, you won’t get a perfect, down-to-the-skin shave, but if your beard is 0.5mm in length, anyone at a distance will think you’re clean shaven. However, if someone gets within 1-2 feet of you, you’re going to look like someone with a slight 5-O’clock shadow. shaving

If you work in a strict environment where shaving is mandatory, you might not be able to get away with this. When I was younger, I worked in a hotel in which every employee was required to be clean shaven. I tried to get away with using a trimmer to shave my face, and my manager called me out on it. 

One of my buddies did the same thing, but his hair was a lighter color, so it wasn’t noticeable. This is something that you might want to take into consideration when you’re choosing whether to shave with a trimmer or a 5-blade razor.

Can I Use a Trimmer To Shave My Chest?

When you’re using a trimmer to do some manscaping, things sort of become a little bit like a work of art. As a man, your job when manscaping is to get things looking at natural as possible.

For women, it’s as easy as taking a razor all over their body to remain hairless. But, for men, this isn’t the case. We must pick and choose the lengths we want to achieve in order to keep that naturally groomed, yet manly look about us. So, can you use a trimmer to shave your chest?

I’d suggest not doing this. If you’re interested in using the trimmer to, well… trim… then yes! However, if you want a hairless chest, the trimmer just won’t be able to suffice at this point. 

If you’re using a trimmer to shave your chest, you’re going to be stubbly. This is different than shaving your face because (luckily for us) stubble is in style.

But, when you use a trimmer to shave your chest, the stubble is not going to look good at all. Chest hair is a very defined thing. Either you have it or you don’t, there is no in between. So, although from a distance, your freshly “trimmed” chest hairs look clean shaven, up close they will be a disaster. 

Furthermore, the chest will be unpleasant to the touch when using a trimmer and getting stubble all over your body. You’ll feel like a walking, talking, human sandpaper. 

So, no. Do not use a trimmer in this occasion. If you’re going to manscape the chest, I’d recommend trimming it down as short as possible first, then use a 5-blade razor to finish the job.

Do all trimmers shave at the same length?

This is a common question that most people are curious about when they’re about to get a trimmer. When there are no guards on the trimmer (the little plastic thing that increase the hair’s length) the trimmer can achieve a pretty close shave, right around 0.5mm which can be nearly identical to a razor shave when at a distance. 

electric trimmerHowever, not all trimmers are created equal. Not all of them will shave at the same length when there is no guard attached. Each manufacturer will create their trimmers differently. 

However, manufacturers these days have gotten really good at making the blades cut extremely close. Several years ago, it was impossible to find a trimmer that could get as close to the skin as they can these days.

It is important to check with the descriptions on the box, or on the website about how the blade cuts. 0.5mm is pretty standard these days, but it’s always good to find one that can get as close to the skin as possible. I’ve even seen some that can get as close as 0.25mm. It’s really amazing.

In conclusion, if you’re looking to get a perfectly close shave to your face, then a trimmer is not for you. But, if you’re in a hurry and you need a “quick-fix” to keep your face looking fresh, then a solid trimmer like the Philips Norelco is a perfectly viable option.

With so many different grooming tools for men, finding a trimmer to shave with can be a tricky task. There’s so much noise in the market and it can be hard to find the one that’s right for you. I’ve gone through countless trimmers, razors and other grooming tools to achieve that long-lasting shave. It just takes a little bit of trial and error.

So, I say go for it! If you’re in a rush, just use the trimmer. If you’re not in a rush, take the extra time to get a closer shave. The difference in the time it saves is, like, 30 seconds. 


Hey! My name's Mark and I'm passionate about all things grooming, fashion, and fitness and I love sharing everything I learn about them. Expert Gentleman is the ultimate resource for learning everything about men's grooming, style and fitness.

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