There are eight different types of proteins in the body. Hormonal proteins act like messengers, sending vital information from one cell to the other. Enzymatic proteins aid in stomach digestion, helping to break down food so the body can absorb it better. Collagen works on the bones, muscles, skin, hair and joints. Here, we present 20 reasons why men should be taking collagen.
Fibrous proteins, also known as structural proteins, include collagen. At around 30 years of age, our body produces less collagen than before, and signs of aging begin. It is believed that when we replace the lost collagen in our bodies, we can slow the appearance of aging and help our bodies stay younger and healthier.
But there are more reasons why men should be taking collagen. Here are just 20 of the best reasons why you should be taking collagen as a man.
Before we begin, I want to add that I have been taking Collagen everyday for the past 5 years since I noticed a huge difference in my skin’s complexion. If you’re interested in using the same product that I use, you can get it HERE on

Faster Recovery from Injury and Workouts
These include
- glutamine
- glycine
- arginine
- proline.
We have all been told that “amino acids are the building blocks of protein” in high school biology class. Even if we weren’t paying attention, we knew that amino acids were very important to our body’s ability to function.
Collagen builds ligaments, tendons, muscles, bones and skin. Athletes rely on their body’s collagen to keep bones and muscles strong. A breakdown of collagen could cause more injuries.
There are about 16 different types of collagen in the body. 90% of the body’s collagen is the densely packed fibrous collagen. It gives structure to bones, skin and teeth, among other things. Having more collagen in the body can improve your skin and delay the aging process.
Improved Skin Complexion
The word “elastin” is similar to “elasticity,” and that’s exactly how the elastin component of collagen works on your skin. Elastin keeps skin firm and elastic. It tightens the skin cells which in turn protects muscles, tendons, joints and bones.
Women have been using collagen products for decades and have found that collagen prevents the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. Today, more and more men are using collagen products, and why not? It benefits women, so men naturally want to look younger, while building tighter skin and removing wrinkles.
Interestingly, it has been found through research that taking collagen often helps bring about an increase in the production of the body’s own collagen.
Products such as Collagen Peptides Powder are specifically formulated for men’s skin and to improve men’s hair, joints and bones as well as well.
As we age, our skin tends to become drier. Collagen has an important function in keeping skin naturally hydrated by reducing skin dryness.
Through scientific research, we have learned more and more about the aging process, and have found the specific proteins that help to prevent the appearance of older skin, and Collagen Peptides Power contains the specific proteins associated with the prevention of the appearance of aging of the skin.
Increased Muscle Mass
In a recent study, a group of men were involved in double blind research . “Double blind” means that men were separated into two groups. The first group took collagen and the second group was given a placebo instead, which is a pill (or powder) that resembles the supplement but has no inherent benefits.
The two groups were encouraged to exercise for a period of three months while one group took collagen and the other took the placebo.
At the end of the 12 weeks, the study found that those who took the collagen had more muscle mass than the men who took the placebo. The men who took collagen showed levels of increased strength as well. It was theorized that collagen stimulated proteins responsible for strength and muscle mass.
Prevent Bone Loss and Aids in Heart Health
Collagen contains an amino acid called proline; this amino acid clear fat from the arteries of the heart and relax the blood vessels surrounding the heart.
In a recent study, 30 adults participating took 16 grams of collagen per day for 180 days. They were evaluated and it was found a marked reduction of stiffness in the arteries, in comparison to the degree of stiffness in the arteries before taking collagen.
Levels of high density lipoproteins, known as “good” cholesterol (HDL), increased by a factor of 6. More studies need to be conducted for the benefits of collagen supplements and heart health, but we are already seeing positive results, so we know that taking collagen could possibly improve heart health more significantly than not taking the supplement.
Collagen has been linked to joint health and works actively to prevent joint pain, a common condition in people over 35 years old. It is believed that taking a supplement containing collagen, such as SR brand Collagen Peptides Powder, stimulates the joint cartilage to produce collagen, resulting in a reduction of joint pain and inflammation.
Bones are made mostly from collagen. It is no surprise, then, that collagen is responsible for bone structure, which in turn makes bones strong.
Taking collagen, studies have shown, helps reduce bone breakdown, a leading cause of osteoporosis in women. For men, collagen keeps bones stronger so physical activity when older can be done with less risk. The more collagen, the stronger bones are, and the easier it is to perform more strenuous exercise.
Collagen Benefits Your Hair
Our DNA controls the amount of hair we grow on our bodies. At some point, one man’s genes may result in hair loss on the head as early as 30 years of age, while another may continue to have a full head of hair into his 50s.
Collagen acts on hair follicles, from which hair sprouts. As we age, the hair follicles become narrower and narrower until they are too small for hair to grow through, resulting in pattern baldness. This is due to the production of free radicals in the body which act upon the hair follicles, making them slowly close up.
Collagen is also an antioxidant, and it fights free radicals in the body, so it helps the hair follicles to remain as strong and healthy as they are in our teens and twenties.
Hair is comprised mostly of keratin, a protein produced by the body. The consumption of proteins from meat and fish makes them break down into amino acids when digested, and these amino acids help build new proteins and other compounds.
Consuming collagen that is rich with the amino acid proline, helps to create the building blocks that are needed to grow hair.
Prevents Hair from Thinning
The antioxidants contained in collagen fight cellular damage and can slow the graying process. As we mentioned, graying occurs on the genetic level, but it is now believed that the antioxidants in collagen can keep hair from graying prematurely.
Hair color is based on melanin production. Melanin, by the way, is also responsible for skin color. The cells that contain melanin begin to die due to the genetics and the action of free radicals. These free radicals are damaging and are associated with poor diet, air and water pollution and stress.
In a study, gray hairs and hairs with pigment were placed in two test tubes. Upon examination, it was discovered that the test tube containing the gray hairs had a much lower level of antioxidants than the tube containing the hair with pigment. Products like Collagen Peptides Powder contain antioxidants, which aids significantly in the production of the specific protein that fights free radicals.
Collagen makes the skin more elastic and more hydrated. The cells containing collagen decrease as we age, and damage can be seen as the skin dries and hair begins thinning. The stronger the skin and the more hydrated it is, the less hair tends to thin. This linkage between skin health and hair growth comes from research which found that healthy skin means healthy hair.
Hair grows out of the skin through hair follicles and it is believed that collagen supplements may reduce hair thinning while making skin more resilient and healthier.
Increased Vitamin Absorption
While bone broth contains vitamin supplements in addition to collagen, collagen powder such as Collagen Peptide Powder, is much better absorbed by the body, meaning more of it can be used and synthesized. The body receives more real collagen to use and to synthesize into the amino acids your body, so there is better stimulation for growth of the body’s proteins.
Heart Health and Collagen
Bovine collagen contains collagen types 1 and 3, and so can benefit more parts of the body than marine collagen, for example, which only contains collagen type 2. This is not to say that marine based collagen won’t benefit you. It will also give great benefits to your body, but those who are allergic to shellfish may want to consider a product like Collagen Peptides powder as a safe and effective substitute.
Collagen Helps Your Gut Health
For anyone suffering from conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome or other serious gastric illnesses, they should consider adding collagen to their diet for improved gut health. Collagen supports and builds the lining of the intestines and helps reduce inflammation. If you have issues with constipation, collagen, through its impact on the intestinal walls, can help smooth stool discharge.
Strengthened Nails
Nail specialists in the field of cosmetology have recommended collagen supplements to their clients. What we know about collagen and the fact that it makes up most of the protein in the body, makes us aware that collagen strengthens nails and prevents them from breaking. Collagen supplements enhance the production of skin and nail proteins in the body so can increase the strength of fingernails and toenails.
Lots of guys today are active, not only in physical pursuits, but they also spend a lot of time on the computer managing websites, writing on blogs or other computer-based work. Having a split nail while typing is not fun and it can be quite painful to type with a bad nail. Collagen supplements increase the strength of nails and gives them a healthy, more youthful color.
Wide Variety of Supplements
Collagen supplements such as Collagen Peptides Powder can be ingested in warm or room temperature water. It can also be added to oatmeal, yogurt, added to sauces or soups.
If you want to drink collagen in colder water, simply add it to warm water and stir thoroughly, before adding ice.
Non-GMO items That are Organic
Collagen supplements such as Collagen Peptides Powder have real GMO certification. It’s certified by a 3rd party that has no personal investment in the product. The Paleo and Keto Foundation verifies Collagen Peptides Powder as a non-GMO product, as well as the IGEN, the International Genetically Modified Organism Evaluation and Notification Program.
Will Make You Less Prone to Acne
There are customer testimonials everywhere on the positive benefits of supplementing with collagen powder. Note that in each story, the benefits take about a month for changes to be noticed.
Most verified testimonials will state that customers noticed their hair had stopped falling out, nails got thicker, noted a decrease in acne breakouts, and less joint pain, particularly in the knees.
Testimonials for this article came not from online collagen vendors; instead they came from websites where physicians and medical professionals have often blogged. No one claims collagen supplements are “miracle pills,” yet most people notice a positive change over time.
Variety of Collagen Sources
Some collagen products do not say they source their animal proteins from antibiotic free cows. But products such as Collagen Peptides Powder, does in fact state that the cattle they use do not receive hormone or drug injections, nor does the source contain gluten, dairy products, egg, corn, yeast wheat, soy or any artificial colors or flavors.
Today there are many more cases of allergic responses to foods than ever before, and farmers are using more hormone enhancement drugs than ever before to save cost. But SR Brands, the manufacturer of Collagen Peptides Powder, assures the buyer that the source is all natural and not enhanced in any way, and is backed by the organizations mentioned earlier and certified as a non-GMO product.
The link to SR Brand Collagen Peptides Powder is HERE
Healthy Collagen Levels Support an Active Lifestyle
The one thing that holds us back from participating in sports involving constant movement as we age, is joint pain, specifically in the knees. Collagen proteins are linked directly to joints and help relieve pain by strengthening the joints. The right amount of collagen means more being active in sports like tennis.
Healthy Skin gives Men More Self-Confidence
It is indicated that collagen supplements may take up to a month before there is a noticeable difference in certain aspects of its benefits. However, it is likely skin conditions will improve much more rapidly from adding collagen supplements to the diet.
Nothing is better than looking in a mirror before a date and noticing a healthier complexion, ruddier cheeks and clearer skin on the face. Men will be able to speak more confidently and communicate. They are more self-possessed and have done something for themselves to improve their appearance.
Works for Both Men and Women
Most, if not all, men admire a woman who looks appealing because she had made the effort to present herself using the right amount of makeup and lipstick as well as the clothes she chose to wear.
Women will try different things, different outfits until they find just the right one. They do this, not always to impress the man they are seeing, but for self-confidence. It is unfortunate, but women are evaluated on their appearance a great deal more than men.
A woman who sees a man has taken the time (as she does), to do a few simple things, will appreciate him for making the extra effort. (By the way, if she doesn’t, then it’s likely she’s the wrong woman!)
We Live in a Scientific Renaissance
Today, cosmetics are exponentially more advanced than they were even 20 years ago. Products today face much fiercer competition than the old days, because today, most collagen supplements actually work. There are less and less false claims out there, since people will find products that are impostors. We can read reviews, look at the best sellers, and do the research on our own. It is harder to get away with false claims now than ever before.
This is why we have been impressed with SR Collagen Protein Powder, because it is positively reviewed and has moved a great deal of produce through sites like Amazon.
Collagen Makes Up 90% of The Body’s Protein
The reason there has been so much talk recently about collagen supplements is the fact that collagen makes up most of the protein in the body. Loss of collagen impacts not only your appearance, but also digestive health and joint and bone support.
This is because collagen is found everywhere in the body, and supplements can be introduced and be more effective when introduced.
Beneficial for Athletic Performance
Some people are skeptical of products like supplements, so they never bother to take them, and in the end, lose out on the benefits so many supplements have. Athletes take supplements and claim how much they benefit from them.
The best test for a man is to try a collagen supplement like Collagen Peptides Powder and give it a month. It is likely they will see positive benefits from a collagen supplement. We can only know if we try; today, however, the best products are the ones where it is already known that they are beneficial.
You can only lose by not trying it out.